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LR 6 DPP 4-BL Duracell PlusPower MN1500
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LR 6 DPP 4-BL Duracell PlusPower MN1500

Duracell Plus Power The classic battery of Duracell for devices of daily use like alarm or wall clocks, diskmen, torches, remote controlls, telephones, MP3-Player etc. The DURACELL Color Code make it possible: The colored marked cells helps to find the right battery size. Test-winner by Stiftung Warentest with "VERY GOOD"(1,5) Version 2/2006
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ID 5000394038103

Duracell Plus Power The classic battery of Duracell for devices of daily use like alarm or wall clocks, diskmen, torches, remote controlls, telephones, MP3-Player etc. The DURACELL Color Code make it possible: The colored marked cells helps to find the right battery size. Test-winner by Stiftung Warentest with "VERY GOOD"(1,5) Version 2/2006

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Vendu et expédié par
3.67/5 (43)
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Livré sous 6 jours ouvrés